Tuesday 11 October 2016

OUGD403 Study task 01 - Ligatures

The objective of the group task we were set was to create a 'ligature' like an emoji to represent a phrase or a word that we use today. In my group we chose the phrase 'Awkward silence' because we felt that there wasn't anything that portrayed the sense of an awkward silence. The biggest challenge over the 3 days of this project was finding out the universal perception of an awkward silence - this is due to the fact that everyone finds different things awkward. 

To help us come to a conclusion of what would be universally recognised we went round fellow students and asked them to draw / write down their personal perception of what awkwardness / an awkward silence was. All the outcomes were completely different ranging from awkwardness in relation to their own body imagine, social experiences and many others. We struggled with our results because we were not sure how to put this into one specific image.


We then went online and did some research, looking at the symbols that came up when we search awkwardness and other words / phrases close to this. After looking and researching for a while we decided that the line of interest that we liked the most was the concept of a break in a conversation and loading as an idea of waiting for the next conversation to start.

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