Saturday 22 October 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 01 - Further design ideas

Further Designs

I focused on making a contemporary logo having minimal detail and making small adjustments to the type I used. The end product is that my logo design will be put onto a label, poster and shop front. I wanted my simplistic design to also portray high quality and class. The uppercase letters appear to me as more contemporary as each letter has the same baseline and the same cap height - this is what simplifies it because it has uniform.

Consistent kerning suggesting reliability, very simple, powerful and easily recognised logo. I looked at rounding the letters to make it less harsh which was suggested to me in my crit. I also tried some shadowing techniques. My two favourites from the above are the 1st and the 4th - however in the 4th logo the lettering is not rounded - after I round the lettering I think it would be much better and give it a look that invite the upper class into the store.

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