Thursday 9 February 2017


Throughout this module I have accumulated new skills and knowledge that has and hopefully will keep on impacting my design. I have found in this module that the InDesign workshops are very helpful. I have also found out that if you do not keep on using the skills you learn they are very easy to forget. The workshops we had at the start were incredibly useful but I know there is so much more to learn. However now I am at the end of the module, making a zine seemed like a hard task complete without looking back at my notes from the workshop and getting help from the technicians. 

During this module I have looked extensively at subjectivity and objectivity. The introduction of practical and conceptual approaches and how the process effects the outcome. In studio brief 1 we were taking a very objective matter (a way-finding system) that is there for a purpose. We were told to challenge this but trying to include a subjective aspect into the brief. To me subjective art is very personal and it is something that is different to each person. I think I added subjectivity into my brief well because I made my system very playful and it it not tell you specifically where to go, yet it only suggests where you could go and it tells you the rough amount of time it would take you to get there.

Before this module making informed design decisions with purpose was not one of my strengths, I found it hard to make a decision without going back on it and changing my mind. This effected my work greatly due to the fact that I then had less time to actually design. Now I am starting to take more care and think about why I am making the decisions that I make, however I believe I still have to work on explaining why I had those design decisions not just doing them I need to explain. 

I think my Design Process was better in Brief 1 because I had more time to think, develop and change my ideas. Another thing that aided my in that brief was the feedback that I received, due to the fact that it was quite a strong idea my group had lots of feedback each time for me with new ideas for me to play around with. Studio brief 2 I believed suffered in my case because by the time we were starting to develop our ideas for brief 2 I was still working on my outcomes of brief 1 to make it the best that it could be. In hind sight I should have thought about this prior to getting set brief 2.  I should have spent more time on the process and done more mock up designs to help with my feedback. I have enjoyed doing both of these briefs but there definitely are places where I could improve.

During this module I have become more conscious of how the process of design effects the outcome and that the process can be more important than the outcome in some cases - if there is no process is the outcome as meaningful? 

I find the group crits extremely helpful for me and is a good learning curve for me because I still am not very good at portraying my thoughts into words and having to do this for the crits is helping me to improve. I have realised how helpful the crits are because you receive so much feedback that you can choose what idea you go with and getting the feedback really does impact on my work.

Overall I think this module was a great start to having design process and general understanding of more conceptual graphics. I defiantly think that my process was a lot better in brief 1 which is good understandable because I spent more time on it. To improve this for the next module I will have to manage my time better.

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