Sunday 5 February 2017


These are my final outcomes, which I improved after the final crit I had the other day. I did everything that was suggested in my crit. Below is my Final version of my map with the guide - they would be printed double sided. I decided as it was Light themed I would try and portray the way light goes from the source outwards, I achieved this with the background whilst still keeping the ongoing theme and using the colours of the 10 different zones. 

Here I have put a couple of my images together from taking photos of my system at actual size, I thought having more than one image would show my design in more depth.

I also made time so that I could do some line drawings, here are a couple of them :

Overall I have really enjoyed this project, I believe it took me a while to get into it however I think it once I started I loved playing around with the subjectivity of it. Not just telling the audience where to go and why and when. My system is playful and interactive due to the reflective vinyl and tape I used. The physical system of being on the floor and pointing in a rough direction I think gives it another sense of playfulness and fun to it.

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