Wednesday 8 February 2017


For this project I knew that I needed to take the objectivity of the clock and make something abstract from it. Make something that makes the audience not just see the object clock but look at my piece as something as a whole.

For all my ideas from this project I wanted to use the research I had done prior to aid me in my work. I started by looking at the abstract nature of the work I did on word and excel to see if I could develop this further into a project.

1 -
Looking back on my excel project and after seeing some of my peers work I thought I could develop my drawings to be more complex and at a larger scale. I could look at the detail that can be used if I make the scale huge and spend time on it. I looked into to see if it had been done before and it has One of the best artists I found was Tatsuo Horiuchi - he only works on excel and the results he gets from this is amazing.

I also looked into some other artists that do this type of work, looking at the scale they use.

In terms of format I could have it as a poster of an image like the one below. 

Looking back at my research another route I could down was the use of clocks in the TV or Film  area. I want to use the research I did maybe take the research a bit further or maybe make more selective theme, maybe something like just analogue clocks in film or something along those lines. For the format of my printing method I think a good route to go along would be a booklet or a zine. 

For my third idea I looked back on my research trying to find something else that I could produce. I saw that I had researched into the Guinness World Records and the records that are held in relation to clocks. There are 260 records when I typed in 'clocks' into the search bar. I was thinking that I could produce a mini flip book sort of thing including all the records that are provided. Each page could include the name of the person who holds the record, what the record is and when the record was set. 

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