Wednesday 8 February 2017


Pitching my ideas to the group really helped me develop my idea further as I wasn't sure if my idea was relevant to Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi's principles when he is teaching. The brief states that we should use his principles of observation and description to develop our project.

I initially thought that my research was not enough but the crit helped me because everyone said it was fine to carry on with the research as I got on and that the research was fine.

For my first idea I couldn't really do a mock up design for it, but I explained my idea and how it related to the excel task we did in christmas and showed some research that I had done to go alongside it. The feedback was good, they said the best thing to do was to do further research into people who do art on excel find the correct colours and just research more in depth. Was also told that should be a series of images rather than just the one to make it more interesting. I was also told that the idea is good but there isn't much margin for error because the images I showed them already looked pixilated so it would be very hard to make it look good aesthetically.

Got a lot of positive feedback from this idea. It was said however due to the fact there are so many scenes where there is a clock or watch on TV and in the movies that I should definitely consider narrowing the idea into a certain theme and be selective when doing so. It was suggested that I also research in the type of sine I want, it could be informative, formal or informal. I need to explore the options. I believe that this is an idea that I would enjoy developing further. Below are a couple of the images I showed roughly to my group with some Tv and Film research alongside it to help them get the visual I was trying to achieve.

My group thought that this idea was ok but not as good as my previous ideas, someone said that it to her is only good in theory. She thought that it would be very hard to actually create this as a document. Also it was pointed out to me that it would not be a very engaging document (however I was not going for an engaging document rather I was going for informative) due to the fact that it only has small pieces of information on each page and the images on each of the pages would be very similar of clocks.

From the crit I gathered that in general not many people liked my last idea in comparison to my other ideas. I personally think I would love to develop ideas 1 and 2 in further detail. I think the one that I can develop the furthest is idea 2. The reason behind this is because I can research into different themes and I think it will just interest me more.

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