Tuesday 7 February 2017


Below is my final design. I chose this design above the others for a couple of reasons. Because the name of the exhibition and the V&A logo are both at the top of the poster this means that when I fold it down into A4 the name will be on one side of the a4 and the logo will be on the flip side. Another reason why I chose this design was the way that your eye is lead as you look at it. Because of the angle of the paper structure and the surrounding lines your eye is lead from the name of the exhibition down to the structure. I think that it works quite well. I also used the outline of the structure and enlarged it to have on just to add some repetition and another aspect that leads your eye down. I started out wanting to reflect the name of the exhibition in the visual aspects of the poster and I think I have succeeded in this because of the colours that I used in the poster. 

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