Wednesday 8 February 2017


I chose to develop further my 2nd idea, I started researching broadly in the use of clocks in film and TV but there are just so many. One of the first things I came across was a website that had 'the eight best movie clocks'

1. Back to the Future (1985)
2. Metropolis (1927)
3. Safety Last (1923)
4. Hugo (2011)
5. Wild Strawberries (1957)
6. High Noon (1952)
7. The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
8. The Stranger (1946)

Looking at these movies the only one i recognised was Back to the future so I thought this wouldn't be a good route to go down. Or at least there would be a better route to go down.

I then found a couple of ideas that I thought would go well with this project. I looked back at my initial research I did in christmas and saw that something that I found was clocks featured in disney - there are more than you think there would be to start with.

I also found online this website which was 10 famous movie scenes that show people waking up - Waking up scenes website.

Both of these ideas were something that I thought would be good to develop further. But I looked more into the use of clocks in disney movies. I gathered a few images and the majority of them were movies that weren't produced that recently. Because of this i made the decision to make the booklet / zine sort of vintage style, I wanted it to have a old look to it so I researched into ways that I can achieve this. From my researched I gathered that if I hand created my project and scanned it in to print then it would have a vintage look to it because the scanner can not always be perfect and can have dust on it which would add to my vintage look and feel. These were some images that I found that had the same sort of feel I wanted.

I also decided to use graph paper to give my zine more character and a friendlier feel. I used tape, coloured pens of different thickness and different paper types with patterns to make my zine quite informal. Below are some of the materials I used.

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