Wednesday 17 January 2018

OUGD505 Design Practice 2 APPROPRIATION

OUGD505 Design Practice 2 - 3 


Marcel Duchamp - ‘Fountain’ 1917 & Mona lisa
  •  peruser of conceptual art 
  •  asking what art can be
  •  he liked the idea of incorporating everyday things into art work, it was him saying that art is stupid
  • he casted a lot of doubt on what fine art is

Hannah Hoch - 
  • dadaism, they developed collage as a technique and took it to a new level of playing about with forms and images and type forms. 
  • Thinking heavily about juxtaposition and forces it - how certain elements relate to others and what meaning come out of that relationship

Richard Pettibone - ‘Andy Warhol, Marly Monroe’
  • created micro versions of andy warhorse screen prints of MM
  • re-appropriated his images 

Elaine Sturtevant -
  • she was a supportive member of the group supporting pop artists, her appropriation was innocent 

If you appropriate images, take images and replicate them do you have the authority to put your name on it? Does it reset the meaning of it?

  • To question authorship and authenticity
  • To question what art is or can be 
  • To investigate process and making
  • To question the value and meaning of mass culture 

  • the dresses or art has specific meaning in different cultures and using these for own personal use e.g. fashion is making them superficial 

Parody -
  • Banksy ‘Kate’ 2005 - using mass media images / pop culture images and changing them / re-contextualising them and gives a more contemporary twist on them
  • Jamie Reid - helped to instil the visual language of punk being this cut and paste style, referencing monarchy. 

  • the stylistic of appropriation that are a reuse / overuse of old styles
  • e.g. stranger things movie poster - taken from star wars 
  • stranger and stranger - got the victorian look about it but they actually went much further than they could have gone back in that era. Given it high class, vintage, premiumness about it 

In general appropriation is a way of exploring meaning and mobilising political, social and cultural. Questioning what images can mean, questioning their legitimacy.

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