Tuesday 16 January 2018



Examine graphic design outputs relating to social, political and ethical change.

Aim to increase your awareness of historical examples plus contemporary practice that is responsive to 21st century issues. You should produce a body of research work that explores the connections between these concepts. Become an expert

Your research work and ideas should reflect your own ideologies, concerns and ambitions as a graphic design. ( relate to me)

So to start this brief I researched into different topics that I thought would be best for me to look into and interested me the most:
- new and upcoming technologies
- sustainability 
- music and how that can influence the world around us

Looking at these topics I thought the one that I would be interested in researching over a long period of time and one that I wanted to become an expert in was sustainability as it is such a big topic that has so many different aspects to it that I need to narrow down. It is something that is becoming more and more aware by more people and is something that I am genuinely interested in. 

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