Sunday 7 January 2018


After extensive research into the covers and book as a whole I now had all the information I needed to do some proper idea generation to inform my book. I looked back over my intial ideas and thought that they were too similiar to the previous covers and to push myself further I needed to go down a more illustrative approach and use a different angle to create my cover. I looked into key quotes of the book and quotes that I liked that I thought could influence my designs :

I thought to make this cover a different and stand out from others the best thing to do was to use a few of these quotes to inspire my designs. Below are a few quick sketches I did. I think I need to rethink the colours I use / think hard about what colours as it needs to appeal to all ages of teenages and their parents. I decided to do some sketches for my favourite 3 quotes and get some feedback in a crit from some of my peers. 

'Hes down there in the rose garden, just below my window. I can sense it. I can sense him'
I like this quote as I think ir portrays the sense that it is a book of love really nicely. Stephy doesn't know if Callum is below her window or not but she senses that he is there, she can sense him. 
During my crit on these 3 ideas it was said the concept behind this was really lovely and had god meaning. The mock up sketch looked okay but to gether a full sense they would have to see it properly. It was also said that it may not be portraying the whole book in the cover page as it has nothing to do with racism or anything along those lines. However I think that because the previous covers have been very heavily dominated by the O and X and black and white theme my design would stand out from the rest.

'just remember, Callum when you're floating up and up in your bubble, that bubbles have a habit of bursting. The higher you climb, the further you have to fall'
For this piece i dont think that illustration would work and in my crit it was suggested to me that althoughthe concept was good illustration is the key thing I said when explaining my ideas so maybe it is not the best cover to go with.

'They didn't sell pink plasters. Only dark brown ones'

This quote is heavily racism based and I think it has potential. 
In my crit it was said that this was the least liked idea of them all as it is quite boring and could look too rigidd. I am going to develop this further to see if that is true because I quite like the conept behind it.

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