Wednesday 17 January 2018

OUGD505 Design Practice 2 ETHICS

OUGD505 Design Practice 2 - 1



Ethics In relation to social sustainability is what 505 is based on.

  • moral principles that govern a persons behaviour - what it means to be good

Roberts 2007 = how being good related to your specific context - interrogates the element of goodness within people 
Roberts 2006 = ‘balance the forces’ - discuss the balances of electronic communication in terms of the worlds ‘ill’s'

Q - Do you think ethics is important in Graphic Design
A - Yes, needed for healthy working relationships - interactions. Design ethics help raise the standard for visual work and representation. Working for an ethical company - do you bend your ethics to work for them?

Q - What defines being 'good' in Graphic Design
A - The way you conduct yourself and keep your own ethical standards strong

Q - What does ethical practice entail in Graphic Design
A - Design ethics different to everyone. Generally there are 2 basic ideas:
  • Design ethics establish behaviours and actions which are generally accepted in the profession.
  • Design ethics help raise the standard for visual work and representation.

Some more views on GD and ethics =
Steven Heller 2003
“Good design is a good citizenship” quoting Milton Glaser
Katherine McCoy 2003
Taught a lot of out there experimental typographers. “We have trained a profession that feels political or social concerns are inappropriate” - GDers don't think about ethics as not important to what we are doing in an ethical state. She thinks we have a voice and we should use it appropriately.
“Do you take a stand based on your own personal morality or do you act as a professionally and continue to provide a service?” “If it really is a moral make-or-break for you, you don’t do things that you don’t agree with” 
  • creating things that look beautiful is secondary to creating things that tell a messed and have a function
Jaqueline Roach
“When it comes to GD isn’t it better not to walk away from jobs on ethics grounds, but to ask if there is some way we can influence it” 
Richard Holloway 
What value your design work has to audience as well as pleasing our clients

  • being a good citizen
  • who to work for
  • influence and persuasion
  • aesthetics and ethics
  • value and purpose

3 principles of ethical practice that you would like to adopt =

  1. Try not shy away from a job because it would have negative impact on some people
  2. Make a difference in your work to influence others
  3. Be good to yourself to make your practice better - connection of ethics and aesthetics

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