Wednesday 31 January 2018


Whats your overall project summed up in a sentence? 

- look at wrapping paper at xmas and birthdays - one design for all occasions ? reusable look into history of wrapping present - think in diff way - spreading the word - ways of communications that don’t rely on waste 
- how you can take a product and through branding make it have less packaging 
- look at products with the most packaging waste in
- restaurants with most waste - zero waste naked branding?
- delivering reusable - make branding show this
- lauren singer - links to bulk buying
- research experience base design
- make a survey
think about range, how your communication gets distributed to your target audience

I found this feedback from my presentation very helpful and useful for my project as it clarified everything in my head and made me realise what I had to do next. Speaking to Dom I went through my feedback and had a chat about what the best option that I am most interest in would be. Going forward the best option for me to do was to look at wrapping paper.

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