Monday 22 April 2019

Japanese idioms

30 Japanese phrases / idioms that I found in further research. I think I want to use at least two of them in my design, so I will go through them and find 2 or more that I believe to fit in well with the designs theme.

I have chosen -


“If you do not enter the tiger’s cave, you will not catch its cub.”
Nothing ventured, nothing gained…but from now on everything I’m venturing to gain shall be considered a tiger’s cub.


“Spilt water will not return to the tray.”
I like this way of saying “no use crying over spilled milk,” mainly because water seems way less significant a loss than milk.

Number 16 is very uplifting and celebratory and I liked number 20 because its very just and to the point which is an aspect I have gathered from my research.

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