Monday 1 April 2019

Sandwich Records

I found myself looking at the different sandwich world records that are held already. Some of them a pretty wild. 

However I noticed from looking into this that all teh records that people hold already are very fast passed, either about how fast a sandwich was made or how many could be eaten in a specific time or how many fillings there were etc. 

However I started this project as I love sandwiches. 

I dont think that a sandwich should be seen as something that is fast passed and a cop out that someone buys or makes because it is easy. At the end of the day this sandwich you eat is a meal. So why not spend the same amount of time you wold prep a meal as you would into prepping a sandwich?

As found in previous research it is all about the FORM which is then followed by the FUNCTION of eating and enjoying the delicious sandwich that has just been prepared. 

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