Friday 22 February 2019

Metaphors and Similes

"So, sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter..." Section I, pg. 10
Early on in the novel, Dad remarks that sending Auggie to a real school would be like sending a lamb off to be slaughtered, which shows just how vulnerable Auggie is assumed to be and how much the Pullmans want to protect him. But going to school eventually shapes Auggie in many positive ways; though he struggles, he eventually comes out on top.

"Your deeds are your monuments." Section I, pg. 65

Mr. Browne's October precept is a metaphor that emphasises how a person's actions can create a lasting impact. Monuments are created to commemorate people; the precept states that people will be remembered for their deeds, good or bad. This is certainly true of middle school, where kids are known at large for how they treat others.

"The universe takes care of all of its birds." Section V, pg. 204

At the end of his section, Justin likens humans to birds, and insists that while the universe may be unkind in some ways, it always compensates in other ways so that everyone is cared for. A bird metaphor naturally implies flight and opportunity -- suggesting that the universe takes care of its "birds" in order to give them the ability to keep flying. For instance, the universe has given Auggie a loving family, the primary thing he needs to take off and soar.

"It had been a long time since I'd been out without my hearing aids, and it felt like I was miles under the earth." Section VIII, pg. 272

This simile illustrates the uncertainty and sadness that Auggie feels after his fight with the older kids at the nature reserve. Without his hearing aids, he feels lost: he can no longer "hear brightly," so that an essential part of him appears to be missing. He feels like he is miles under the earth both because he cannot hear well and because he is so upset about what has happened.

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