Wednesday 6 February 2019


After explaining my idea to my crit group advice was given, which was don't show the client a design that you are not necessarily sure if you like it, pick the best one you like the most, then develop this one further by making small changes. This then allows the client to still have a choice however you are very much guiding their choice into the route you believe is best.  

After this I asked the group which they liked the most,  the middle two poster designs were chosen to develop further. A few people asked about the logo, however I made it clear to them that the logo was an aspect that was not up for discussion. The arrangement of the middle right image was chosen for the text as it all flows and the audience's eye is pointed in the direction that the designer wants. 

For this brief it was also suggested to me to look into how I could take this brief a little further in the sense of what I could add that would further the exhibition. I believe the best aspects for me to look at would be small a5 size ish flyers and maybe little stickers. The orange circle could be the key theme for the exhibition branding which could be a little momento that the audience can have and be reminded of. 

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