Saturday 9 February 2019

PEEL Poster Design

Once the client got back to me about the chosen poster I decided to look back over it for the final time to make any small adjustments that I may need to do in order to have it ready to send off. She also wanted to have another aspect in the design to add something else but she was not sure what yet. 

After looking back at it I saw some small details that needed changing so I used the ruler to create some guide lines to keep all the different aspects lined up to create structure :

That allowed me to have a clean overall design as shown above. This was my final 1st design. 

Also due to the fact the client wanted another aspect added to the design I had a think about other aspects that I could design for their exhibition. 

Each aspect of the exhibition advertisement / branding needs to link through one aspect so I decided to look through the images of the other exhibition pieces she sent over to see if I could add something to the poster that was included on another piece of work. 

A lot of the images the client sent over had a greyish box around them due to the scanner, which in this instance worked, so I worked this into my design of the poster. Due to the grey box the light outlined circle did not look correct any more so I decided to change that back to black. 

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