Tuesday 12 February 2019

PEEL Flyer Development

My initial ideas for the flyer, I started by using the same piece that I used for the poster design to keep the brand similar, however as I wanted the text bigger it somehow was not working as planned. Everything on the page in the two on the left were not merging and working well together. I liked the design of second from right, however an aim I set out to do at the start was to have the important information big, which is something which I did not achieve :

I started playing around with the text and the circle imagery used in the first poster design seeing how they all work together and separately. And looked more at having the important information in large :

I then thought as it is a flyer it will be double sided meaning I need to account for both sides rather than just the front like in the poster design. In the second from left image the most important text is not big enough to see so the bottom right two images is the front and back of the initial flyer.

I then decided to add the grey box to keep the brand identity strong throughout, much like I did on the poster design. 

I then decided to look at the other pieces of work that the client sent through me for the flyer which are being exhibited alongside the original piece she sent me. I used these in the same way, playing around with the text and layout design. Two pieces being exhibited that I loved are :

I initially played around with the text straight on it to see how that looked, an example showed below :

Looking back at this it did not relate back to the poster at all and one point that I have been putting across is the fact that it all needs to have clear links where the branding theme is strong throughout. So I then decided to add aspects from the poster design. I made the images smaller and added the orange circle shape however in block colour this time and got the result below. I decided to add the PEEL logo on the back in a block format as I did not think it went well on the front of the flyer.

Overall I am happy with this result, I will take it back to the client and gather some feedback to see their thoughts. 

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