Thursday 7 February 2019

PEEL Further Development / Client Meeting

After the crit I looked into what was suggested, looking into making small adjustments to each of the two poster designs that were picked. I decided that because the arrangement of the text worked so well together that I would use the same layout for each design as there is a clear flow and way that the text leads the eye down the page.

One issue that I thought I could run into when feeding this back to the client is the issue that I have broken up the logo in some of the designs which is something that has not been confirmed by the client. Which is something that I think could be a problem. 

Above is the 8 final designs I sent to the client in order to gain feedback to see if the designs were what she was hoping for. As expected the client was not keen on the edited logo, stating it was not the look they were going for. I pitched the idea of the orange rectangle above the piece of work thats on the design as the piece of work will be exhibited so in order to have a sense of mystery and not show that piece it could be covered. The idea behind it was received well however the client preferred the aesthetics of the top left and top right design. 

The client will take those two designs to all the artists in the exhibition to gather a vote to which should be used. I told the client that I will be looking into other aspects that could be used for their exhibition to complete the overall experience, she thought that was a good idea and would love to see what I will come up with.

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