Thursday 28 February 2019

30 initial sketches

Previous years of doing the penguin competition has taught me (as the judges told you to) to do more sketches than you would usually do in order to get out all of the rubbish ideas you have in your head. I guess its like you need to filter out all the bad ideas to find out which are your good ideas.

Above I did a total of 24 sketches ( I was aiming for 30 however I didn't leave myself enough room for more to fit on the page).

A lot of my initial idea sketches were based on quotes or certain sections in the book that I found the most moving or influential for the younger audience.

Before sketching a lot of the ideas that came to my mind were easy to visualise as they had very distinctive and recognisable visual graphics.

Examples of this was august floating, the planets orbiting the sun and a few more.

A lot of the initial sketches were based on august letting go and comig of age which is fitting as it is a coming of age book, this was an aspect that i was trying to show well.

One other key thing that came up multiple time in the sketching process was the idea of the universe and that there is a lot beyond us and august that we cant see. I thought this could be an iteresting starting point for my designs.

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