Wednesday 18 October 2017


I wanted the cover to represent everything that I had been looking out throughout my layout designs. It needed to reflect the clean, minimalistic and openness that is needed for my publication. This lead to my developments of a selection of layout designs using the Letchworth coat of arm's colours and imagery that was given to me when starting this brief. 

I started with the 3 magnets idea however the black and white cover is too dull and doesn't represent what I have been looking at. Looking back at my colour considerations I thought I could use those in my designs to reinforce the identity of Letchworth in the front cover because it is the first thing you look at so it needs to portray everything I have been looking at throughout the book to keep the theme the same and to make it look professional. I think the coat of arms photograph is a bit too much and doesn't give the correct sense of space that I am going for so instead I have gone with the last cover design as the cloud and sky in the photograph gives you a good sense of open space and I like the way that it has green trees in front of a building as it is representing the whole idea of a 'garden city'. The spacing in the type is also a bit further apart than normal as I adjusted the kerning to give it some more open space around the letters. 

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