Monday 16 October 2017


We originally had a peer led crit which gave me an idea to look into grids to see if / what grid system I should use to arrange my text and images on the page. It was also suggested to me that I make the front cover a bit more contemporary than the rest of the book to make sure the publication doesn't look or have the feel of being too outdated. 

I then had a concept crit lead by Orlando which was very helpful. I started out by presenting my project and explaining what I had been looking into and how that would effect my design decisions. The main thing I wanted to get out of the crit was in relation to the layout and how I could get the text and images to work together and be presented well as a whole.

The feedback which I received that I wanted to use:
– the type could be in a newspaper layout / font due to the target audience being middle ages the majority of whom most likely read the newspaper 
– columns of 2 or 3 representing newspaper
– look at tracing and leading of the type - airing - referencing back to the open spaces 
– writing could be on acetate so it does not overcrowd the page
– type could be on a separate smaller page in the middle of the double page spread of images
– DUPLEXING the type could be on a different stock to the images

After the crit I thought about all the ideas that were given to me and on top of this I wanted to change my type to a serif font like Times New Roman which is used by The Times and its sister company The Sunday Times. I think this is an elegant font which would be good for my publication. I researched into the most popular newspaper in the UK in relation to my age group :

The overall most popular newspaper is The Daily Mail, However comparing The Daily Mail to The Times I prefer the Times layout and type.



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