Monday 16 October 2017


According to Brockmann a grid system is an ordering system that expresses a certain mental attitude that a designers work should have a clear object, function and aesthetic quality in line with mathematical thinking. The main reason for the use of a grid is so that simple and complex problems can be solved in a uniform style and by using a grid a designer can decided where to place their work with objectivity and functionality. 

For my text layout I was thinking about using either column grid or modular grid. The column grid is one of the more versatile grid systems which is good for the use of breaking up large bodies of text in different ways like a column per topic or to give the reader a break inbetween the sections of type – which is perfect for my publication due to the target audience. The width of the columns depends on the size of the body of text to get the correct number of words per line to allow for comfortable reading as a narrow column may end up in too many words hyphenated. In traditional column grids the gutter between the columns is usually half the width of the margins. 


Modular grid is a more complex form of the column grid as it consists of multiple horizontal flow line that divide the columns creating cells called modules. Each module contains a small space for information which when are grouped together are called spatial zones. Something that must be considered is the margins proportions in relation to the modules and gutter as module grids are often used throughout extensive publications thus need to be laid out properly.

For the images pages of my publications I have been looking into the different grids I could use.

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