Monday 9 October 2017


I then looked at the previous research that Megan had done for the content to familiarise myself with this and to guide me in my own research. I then thought then about the layout and the purpose of the book and how the book is going to relate back to the context in ways that maybe arent so obvious. 

I researched into when it was founded and the population to see if I could use the numbers somewhere in my publication - possibly in the number of pages or something along those lines. 

Main ideas from my research was :

- include 3 magnets into the binding to close it to refer back to the initial idea by Howard. 
- think about paper stock that would be best for middle ages - coated paper sharper detail thus easier to read 
- text font and size - best for middle aged 

for the last point I found an article which helped me decide what size the text should be and idea of what the font could be : 


I determined from this article I should use size 14 type and that a sans serif font is preferred unless I want the viewer to read it fast then I should use serif font as they found it easier to read faster. 

I know this experiment was on older than middle age however I think it is still applicable. 

I also thought I could use the outline of Letworth Garden city in my publication just to keep a common theme throughout. 

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