Friday 20 October 2017


Front sleeve - For my front cover I needed thick enough card for the magnets to stick on without weighing the paper down, however I wanted it to be as thin as possible because it is a guidebook which is going to be used a lot whilst you are walking around the area. Therefore you do not want the guidebook to be too heavy hence why I did not want a hardback cover. So I used a3 thin card and trimmed it down.

Photo pages - For these main pages I used ecological paper. I looked at all the different options and I chose this one because it was the most appropriate for my project because Letchworth cares about the environment - in the publication it says  'only one tree was felled and areas of land were left untouched as a devotion to agriculture'. 

 Mini writing pages - Because this page was meant to represent the layout of a newspaper I also represented this with the paper, I bought A2 newsprint and carefully cut it up into a4 pieces. I then had to arrange each page to make sure that they matched up for when I bound the publication. Newsprint is good as it is thin and is an accurate representation. 

For all the type my design decision was to use Times New Roman Regular as if to mimic the newspaper print. 

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