Saturday 21 October 2017


In order to gain feedback on my design I asked the following questions in a peer-to-peer feedback session. I wanted to gain effective feedback on if the publication works well as a whole. I asked these questions below :

How would you bind this publication and why -
- prefect binding would work however might be difficult with the different page types / stocks

- look into other guidebooks to see how they are bound
- staples could work with perfect bind

Do you think it is too minimalistic? -
- minimalistic is good in this sense as that is the basis of the whole book

- could add some more colour throughout
- maybe a little but i think when bound the use of different paper will make it look good

Do you think it will work well as a whole? - 
- yes all relates to your original ideas
- can't tell as not bound

Overall I believe this feedback was helpful and effective, it has made me think that the publication will work well as a whole. I don't think perfect binding would be appropriate for my publication because the writing pages are going to be smaller so I would rather stitch it knowing that they will definitely be bound. 

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