Monday 16 October 2017



5 years, aim was to create a space where interesting print publications were available for people to see in the centre of Leeds. 

People can come and interact with the print matter from all around the world. Wanted to bring stuff from outside the city e.g. authors from NYC and creators in Leeds could get publicised.
2nd floor of the shop is a gallery space, exhibitions are collabs with the artist. 

Zine’s started out in late 70’s and has evolved into a good way for artists / designers to showcase their work in an unconventional way. 

Why Self - Publish = Zine is an active participation, you’re entirely focused on that persons creative output. Communicate your ethos and aesthetic to people in a more exciting way.

What Village looks for = heavily focused on photography books, the idea of how design can communicate something through a publication.

How to look at each individual aspect of a book as a whole =

  1. Concept - how it is communicated, the book should have an underlying idea 
  2. Format - potential to communicate about a book, can also drive the idea behind the book
  3. Design - can influence how the work is perceived, design and layout can say a lot about the book
  4. Print - print can drastically change how the viewer perceives the work
  5. Paperstock - changes the look and feel of the book completely dependant on what images look better e.g. Surface Phenomena 
  6. Binding - 
  7. Details - you need to be careful that the details you include suit what you are trying to portray in your publication
  8. Sellability - how all the aspects look together on the shelf next to competition
I then had a look through all the different publications he brought for us to look at and found one that I thought my project would benefit from due to the white space around the images. 


Cyclus stock is an environmental paper that contributes to your message without compromising on quality. 100% recycled, beautiful texture and unique subtle shade. I thought this could be a possible stock choice or something similar because if it is recycled then it is good for the environment and greenery which is another aspect that a garden city is all about. Only thing about a stock choice like this is I am unsure how I would include the three magnets into the cover. 

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