Monday 9 October 2017


I think this task was useful to see what others thought about my project and how I could improve it, it also gave me an opportunity to touch base with Megan about our projects and tell each other things that we may have missed. This was a good task to see others work to gain ideas and also talk to people that we would not normally talk to gain more ideas and opinions.

The task allowed me to clarify my project well - I was able to explain my idea in one sentence - 'My publication is a practical, historical guidebook on Letchworth Garden City'

My initial issues with this brief were :
- how to make it not too dated 
- how to incorporate something that links to the subject matter and makes the book more interesting 

Suggestions and References:
- National geographic for layout - good contrast between text and images
- Wallpaper guides
- cereal magazine - front covers
- lost-in guides
- go for a more contemporary look of the book to allow it not to be dated
- look into the depth of the subject to find something to add an aspect of fun

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