Friday 27 October 2017


User Experience is everything that effects the users interaction with a product, user needs meets business needs. Follows user centred design process, take users need into account at every stage. Its the design behind the visuals.

It is the way people interact with a digital system, usability refers to the ease of use. Efficiency by which a user operates a system. Interaction design is then the organisation and construction of interactive elements.

User experience asks about the emotional impact on the audience, engagement, happy with processes, does it fulfil the needs of the audience. About individuals and subjectivity and how the individual is absorb by the process. It should be the main focus when designing. 

User Experience Design
Iteration, verifying and refining to ensure design is the best it can be

Analyse- research
- data analysis 
- conceptualisation 

- creating concepts 
- interaction behaviours 
- look an feel 

- realising design alternatives
- how will someone engage with the layout/design 

- verifying 
- refining 

User Research looks to gain a better understanding of the needs of users through the use of interviews, observations and focus groups by identifying and conceptualising user roles, needs, task flow.

characteristics of archetypal users, fictitious profiles of potential users. Personas encompass a number of different people in one in order to help solve problems and identity needs. 
- reflect on data found
- focus on the present
- be realistic
- describe challenging target audience 
- provide insight into the users context, behaviours, attitudes, needs, challenges, occupation, goals and motivations  

Task flows/user flows
visualises the stages involved when completing certain tasks or the journey a user takes through a system. series of actions a user takes, such as when logging into a website. 
- Goal, 3 stages of task flow simple and efficient (Apple) 

Wire Frames:
- First step towards putting all the user research, personas, workflows etc, into a visual format
- Aim of wireframes is to experiment and test hierarchies and informed layout strategies. UX design designers will always refer back to personas to test the wireframe layout.
- The wireframes can be fairly simple and generals, using placeholders to suggest where the images and text could be placed etc. 

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