Monday 9 October 2017


During our session a bombshell was dropped on us - our project is no longer our own. I was shocked at first but I do understand the benifits of the exercise and I hope it turns out well. We were paired randomly with a partner in our class (Megan for me) who we then completely switch content and design a publication based on the content that they have collected and documented. I was very much looking forward to my project but it will be a good task for me to complete and learn from because my full focus will be on designing rather than the content. My new publication will be based on Letchworth and it will be a historical guidebook on Megans town. TO make the hand off smooth we switched our 'writing a brief' word documents and we made a google drive where we exchanged photographs and a document including the content - writing. I also gave her my bag of stuff I collected. Below is what I gave to Megan to include :

Museu Picasso

The collection concentrates on the artists formative years, it shows you enough material to give you a in depth impression of the man’s versatility. 

La Pedrera
Another of Gaudi’s masterpieces built originally as a combined apartment and office block. You can see here Gaudi’s taste for parabolic arches. 

Park Guell

Here is where you see Gaudi turning his hand to landscape gardening. You see where his passion for natural forms started to take off here. 

La Sagrada Familia 

The main attraction in Barcelona, when talking about Gaudi’s work. HOWEVER there is a 10-14 day waiting list dependent on when you want to visit - so book in advance!
 Still unfinished, construction started 1882, and is estimated to finish in 2028. 
La Sagrada Familia inspires amazement, being Spain’s most visited monument. Gaudi put his life and soul into this project, as funds from the conservative society dried up, he gave his own.

Joan Miro Collection

Miro himself created this space the exhibition is in with the idea to make art more accessible to all. This collection allows you to explore all aspects of his work.

If you want to add in little things that say things like ‘Put you own ticket here’ or something like that then I’m cool with that

My new project will be very different from my original one due to the fact that now it will be heavily based on written content in relation to the images rather than heavily images and collected aspect of it. 

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