Wednesday 20 March 2019

Aesthetic Production

In order to visualise the blocks in the way that we wanted them we painted them in the colour scheme that we already had. 

In order to stay alongside my statement of Intent (whilst checking it is fine with Kitty) we chose some paint in the physical print room that was left over from screen-printing thus showing we re-used the paint and reduced the amount of waste that is normally produced from this process.


We chose two different reds that matched the colour scheme however we could not find 2 different oranges that would have worked for our project so we made the decision to stick with the same orange for both.




After giving each block a layer of paint round all sides, a couple of the coloured bocks (yellow and orange) needed a second layer which we did in order to make sure the colours were recognisable.

The next step was to acquire the A1 plinth / piece of wood to which we will attach the bigger building blocks (woodcut 2). We managed to get this again from the wood workshop and because it had a small mark on it, most people would not use it, however we used this one as we decided the best thing to do would be to paint over it in white to have it contrasting with the foreground colours. 


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