Saturday 9 March 2019

Logo Development

After the crit, I decided to hand write the 'intimates' as it is more personal and intimate whilst interlinking the two different types to again create a more intimate look for the logo design. 

Before interlinking, I decided to look both initially at the 'BRIT' and the 'intimates' to get them to where to client wants before making the logo whole.

With the BRIT I looked at the Kerning with the chosen type. The original type was too close together for the desired look as intertwining would then not look the way I wanted. I also played around with the anchor points as I thought the individual letters were too harsh looking for the desired logo.

Hand lettered type was then experimented with in the style of the handwritten fonts to create a more intimate feel to only strengthen the brand's identity. 

I then added the type to go alongside the upper 'BRIT' type to view what it would be like. I will take these further and show the client what I have come up with to see which one she prefers to take forward to intertwine them. I want her to pick her favourite out of the types and the colour palette can come next. this was just initial thoughts on what the colour palette could look like.

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