Wednesday 13 March 2019

Anyways Workshop

Charlie initially gave use a talk a little bit about himself and where he came from which was very interesting. He worked at It's Nice That and now at Anyways where his projects are super fun and exciting with bold outcomes. He then showed us multiple Rube Goldberg Machines. Our task for the workshop was to create a Rube Goldberg Machine where the end goal was to pop the balloon. It was a very interesting and tiring fun day! 

The task was to pop the balloon, which was a fun. Kitty and I chose to create our machine on the blue wall to have a visually pleasing background against a white foreground. In the end it didnt turn out as visually pleasing as we had hoped as we were not expecting how difficult it would actually be to create a working machine. However we did manage to get it to work!


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