Friday 22 March 2019

Placement Testing

Before we decide to hammer into place our building blocks we decided to try out different placements for the building blocks to go as we weren't certain as where we wanted them. To do so we did some random testing as to where we believed the blocks looked aesthetically pleasing, but we also did some tests that related to our development sketches. 

Alongside the placement testing we also tested how the ball would roll down in the way that we perceived to see if it would work in the desired way.




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As you can see above there is the sketch that I drew with the recreation of it in real life for testing.

We then decided on a final layout that we both liked shown above, we decided on this one as it had a range of fast and slow movements of the ball in the 'ball drop' which creates excitement and a sense of mystery within the Ident to come. 

We also liked the aesthetic layout of the colourful building blocks that all worked as a whole, even thought not all the blocks on the A1 wood are used in the ball drop it is also about how it looks as it is one of the main parts in the Ident. 

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