Sunday 24 March 2019

Ident Music Research

After looking at specific programmes that already existed and general CBeebies music I thought it needed to be a lot more general than that to appeal to a wider audience. 

As our Ident is kids related I started by rewatching the kids idents I had researched earlier but this time focusing just on their music. As our ident was having a very much retro feel to it I then decided to look into retro games that we used to play as kids and the music that went alongside them.

I noticed for games like Pacman it very much seemed like elevator music or music that was played when you were on hold on a phone call. The music that I thought matched the vibe of our ident was from the game 'crossy road'. 

Looking back on it I think the reason that I thought this was the best option for our ident could have been from the visual aesthetic of the game. As we chose our ident to be pixelated to create that 'retro' feel, looking at the aesthetic of crossy road it is very similar to the aesthetic of our ident. 

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