Sunday 24 March 2019


Linking the ident to the core branding was one of the key focuses of this brief, alongside creating the correct atmosphere for the audience. Both of which were achieved, the core branding was represented through the building blocks that formed the domino effect. It was a subtle representation that was filmed zoomed in and then panned out to show the blocks knocked down.

Feedback was received at the end of the week on the final ident. The concept of breaking down the original Bob the builder logo type and using it in a subtle way worked well and fitted the theme. Alongside this it was said by Charlie that the atmosphere of the ident was very fitting for the children’s program, which was due to the well thought out colour palette that was representing the programme.

The ident brief was challenging as it required us to use processes that we had little knowledge on. Using machinery that was unfamiliar to us and editing a substantial amount of footage down into a short 30 second film. This made the brief more demanding, yet at the same time creating a greater sense of reward.

At the start of the week we deemed the brief as daunting however as it was a short timeframe there was not much time to dwell causing us to push ourselves to make the best outcome possible.

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