Thursday 28 March 2019


This submission was my experience of the Japanese culture, specifically ‘coming of age’. It was a concept that was new and exciting which was so interesting to learn about when I visited Japan. Being able to represent this amazing tradition in a modern and new light was something that was enjoyed greatly. 

This brief required full focus at all times in order to get the best outcome, as it was only a two-day brief. A lot was achieved in the time frame, with receiving peer feedback half way through meant that the strict schedule had to be stuck to. Due to the timeframe and it being a digital submission sustainability was no worry for this brief.

The target audience for this was NEST readers, having seen previous copies of NEST an idea had been formed prior to starting this brief of what was usually picked and showed in each issue. This gave me knowledge of what was expected coming into the brief. The audience for this brief also incorporated the subject of the image, Madeleine. She was elated with the design and wanted to show her Japanese family.

In relation to feedback saying to be careful about cultural appropriation in the early stages of the brief, using the celebratory aspects and making that clear was focused on. The overall design is celebratory whilst promoting an amazing ancient tradition, it is not copying any cultural elements but advocating it tradition.

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