Saturday 23 March 2019

Filming and editing

This brief was set out for the finishing outcome of the video to be 30 to 120 seconds. Due to the height and speed of the small perspex ball, we aimed for our ident to be 30 seconds. Also due to the fact that it is a kids ident we thought that the attention span of kids is a lot less thus meaning we should create our ident in the shortest time possible.

One full run-through of the machine had a maximum 15 seconds of footage however we did not want our ident to just be filmed from start to finish. We wanted to edit it in our own way to make the ident stand out.

I then had the idea for the ident to be introduced with a stop motion video of the blocks forming their positions.  Below are three seen shots of the stop motion showing a rough idea of how the opening footage would work. The actual footage used about 25 photographs to create about 4.30 seconds. 

our machine is A1 size and therefore you could expect the ball to fall down very fast, even with the placement testing where we put blocks in certain places so that the ball would have to slow down at places. To give the effect that our machine was longer, we cut footage from different angles of the ball falling and reduced the speed of the footage. 

The slow motion gave the sense that the RGM was much larger than it was in real life and made it more impressive. I decided to then add fade between each clip in order for the footage to run more smoothly and for the aesthetic to be improved. The footage was also slowed down a lot so that the ball rolling down would be visible to the audience at hand because it was easily missed if we did not create this effect.

after we edited in the footage of the ball falling through the colourful blocks, the next scene of the film sees the orange and red domino effect begin. then we used similar methods of editing for this part of the video as the aesthetic needed to be consistent throughout the whole video meaning the footage was slowed down and fades were applied between each clip. 

As we started our video with stop motion we decided to keep the consistent theme that was required that we would end on a similar style of stop motion. to differentiate, this top motion with the blocks moving to form the word BOB - directly implying the tv show that we created this ident for. The reasoning behind this again was to make it clear to the audience as they are children.

Below are the final edits on the software premier pro. Over the top of the final shot will be the writing stating the upcoming TV show we also decided to make it even more clear I would speak a voiceover in the same style that they do for others.

The voiceover was to commence when the 'UP NEXT' writing came on.

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