Tuesday 19 March 2019

Woodblock cut set 1

Set 1 of the building blocks we created need to be equal 3D rectangle shapes. We set the machine to 20cm as we knew that each time the machine cut we would loose 3mm so we decided to get the most out of our wood 20cm would be the best measurement. 


As my overarching theme for 603 is about sustainability I suggested to Kitty that we try to work with as much of the off-cuts from other peoples wood so that we could re-use and re-cycled the wasted wood. She was happy to do so as long as they were all equal sizes. So we told the technician the measurements that we wanted them in and we pciked out the widths that were even - then we sanded them down so that the edges weren't rough and they were rounded as I thought this could aid them when they were falling in the domino effect. 

Going forward from this we decided to finally lay them out in the way we envisioned them for the final outcome in the channel 0 branding. As the branding was like a spiral shape we decided to lay them out just like that to mimic the logo and give a strong sense of branding that can be seen at the end of the ident.



From doing a few tests of the domino effect we realised that it was going to be a bit harder than we expected to have the blocks falling exactly as we wanted. Because of this, we decided to try complete each stage for the ident a bit faster as we thought we would need to give ourselves a bit more time when we were filming. 

After this, I noticed that the blocks had very similar spiral shapes running through them, which was an aspect that could be fun to include as it is very similar to the channel 0's branding. However, when further reflecting upon it we were unsure how we would use it whilst making the ident visually appealing as the plain and basic blocks were not the vibe that we wanted to go for.

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