Tuesday 19 March 2019

Circular fashion

As my practice is revolving around sustainability which links to my 601 extended essay, I decided to look into a way that I could push for sustainability and what this could be in terms of the client's company. As this was an aspect which was new to me I decided to start at circular fashion as I had heard the term multiple times, however, was unsure about its correct definition. 

I found out that today less than 1% of clothing is recycled into new clothing. A circular fashion industry is a regenerative system in which garments are able to circulate with maximum value retained for as long as possible before being able to re-enter the system through reuse or recycling. It concerns the entire life cycle of a product, from designing and sourcing, to production, packaging, transportation, storage, marketing and sale, as well as the use phase and the products end of life. 

I need to pitch this to the client as a way that will benefit her, as in other briefs when I have suggested the more sustainable option it has often been disregarded. However, if I take a new approach and suggest why it is good for the client and the clients business this is more likely to have a positive effect. I want to make sure I get across the point that sustainability is forever on the rise and many more consumers decisions are being changed or affected because of how sustainable the product is / how clear the 'green' aspect is - e.g biodegradability and recyclable resources as well as ethical practice. 

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