Tuesday 19 March 2019

Initial Idea Generation Sketches

Key aspects that I knew Kitty and I had to think about in each stage of making/filming the ident were the different angles that we would shoot the ident from. Colour palette, and how that worked with the background and different aspects that were included. The lighting where we were filming it and how this would affect the whole atmosphere of the ident. 

Above is my initial sketch for 'Bob the Builder' based ident. I thought for the colour palette we could use the 5 colours of the different tractors that are shown in the programme. Initially, I thought of using the 'bob' lettering from the logo and having a ball fall through them like it would in a Rube Goldberg machine - I think this idea also stemmed from previous research of the pinball machine - as if the ball is dropping and bouncing through.

I then thought about the potential backgrounds that could be maybe projected onto the machine to add another dimension to the ident.

The background is a small aspect to focus on as we don't want to draw away from the main point of the ident which is the rube goldberg machine that we create. For the background ideas, I decided to look at basic shapes that kids play with and also different scenes from episodes of bob the builder to which, if any, would work the best. 

However, I think the background is not that important in compairson to what is in the foreground so Kitty and I should focus on developing the idea for the foreground.

Below is the basic idea of what we want our machine to look and flow like, however we want more character from aspects of bob the builder. One main thing we do want is for it to represent bob the builder but not make it too obvious. 

Above were my initial ideas for our group Kids Ident. Initially, I looked back at my research and decided to base the sketches of different programmes that we could base our ident around. Kitty and I both looked at different ones and how the feel of the programme could be represented through the ident. 

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